Shimeji Pokédex Project

22 / 1025
#Pokédex | #Evolvable
#NationalDex | #RegionalDex | #MegaDex | #GigaDex | #UltraDex | #TransformDex | #VariantDex | #SpecialDex | #AlterDex

Dex & Egg Posters


Long story short, this project is about creating a Shimeji of each and every one of the Pokémon.
Both individually and by evolutionary lines.

For example, we will have Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard separately, but we will also have an evolvable version with all three Pokémon in the same download that will allow Charmander to evolve into Charmeleon and Charmeleon to evolve into Charizard. They will also be able to lay Charmander eggs and have more than one on screen if we wish.

The Shimeji Pokédex is an ambitious project and a complex dream to fulfill. It will not be easy but it is not impossible. I am not going to do this trip alone but I need your help to achieve it successfully. Of course, there will be Pokémon more worked than others, some with more or less actions than others and some cheaper than others, depending on their species and/or popularity. Also from time to time there will be Shimeji for free or with a super discount that I will do either because I feel like it or because I have reached certain goals on Patreon.

This project is funded via Patrons and Donators. You can check all the available ways in the Donate Page. Every month, a % of the Patreon earnings will go direct to the Shimeji Campaigns, you can learn how the % is calculated here. If you do a one-time donation is you who chooses which Shimeji Campaigns to support, unless you wish I choose for you. Another way to donate to current campaigns is to commission a recolor or Fan Character version of a Pokémon that has a Current Pokédex Campaign, a big % of the price will go to the campaign.

Right now there are a total of 1025 Pokémon Species registered in the National Pokédex, starting from Bulbasaur and ending with Pecharunt. If we count all the alternative forms there are over 1400 designs. For now I don't know yet if the Ultra Beasts will be included, but if yes I doubt I will work much on them. In my opinion they shouldn't even be in the National Pokédex, they should have an alternative enumeration.

Total Visits


Total Downloads


Top 5 Downloaded

  1. 0133 - Evolvable Eevee
  2. Among Us
  3. Red Fox
  4. Sylveon NSFW+
  5. Rick the Eevee

Top 5 Commissioners

  1. Shimeji Campaign
  2. Tetsumon
  3. Natetheglaceon
  4. Bluelioneye1
  5. Piiefagg

Newest Shimeji

Iselda from Hollow Knight
Contact Cachomon