Among Us

This Shimeji tries to recreate what happens in the real Among Us game. There are 12 different skins summoned from the start and they will start attacking each other. Unlike the game, here everyone is able to kill everyone. Who will remain alive?

Tags: game interactions
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Cacho Pass
Artist: Cachomon Show All Shimeji
Supervisor: Tetsumon
Scripting: Kilkakon

Commissioner: Shimeji Campaign Show All Commissions
Owner: InnerSloth
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Top 5 Downloaded

  1. 0133 - Evolvable Eevee
  2. Among Us
  3. Red Fox
  4. Rick the Eevee
  5. 0700 - Sylveon

Top 5 Commissioners

  1. Natetheglaceon
  2. Deiakma
  3. Tetsumon
  4. Piiefagg
  5. Shimeji Campaign

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