Dragonet Species

SkinSoundHotspotsSafe For Work
OCT 2023
+ 6 new dragons!
+ 3 new actions:
Fly from wall, Wake Up, and Petting (by touching the head while Sitting!)
It is now possible to select which dragon hatches from an Egg

Interact with the Egg to get a random Dragonet!

Twitter: @crystal_scherer | Wattpad: @CrystalScherer
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Downloads: 474
Artist: JM Luxro Show All Shimeji
Supervisor: Cachomon

Commissioner: DevilKitten Show All Commissions
Owner: CrystalScherer
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  1. Shimeji Campaign
  2. Tetsumon
  3. Natetheglaceon
  4. Bluelioneye1
  5. Piiefagg

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