0133 - Evolvable Eevee

The Evolvable Eevee can fully evolve into Espeon, Umbreon and Sylveon right now.
The other evolutions codes are ready for whenever their campaigns will happen.

Next evolution to be made will be VAPOREON but even if gets FINISHED,
won't added here until its campaign cash goal is complete.

Feel free to join our Discord server to be the first to know all the news
and participate in all the Polls to choose the next campaign.

Tags: pokemon evodex sylveon umbreon
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Cacho Pass

Downloads: 35628
Artist: Cachomon Show All Shimeji
Scripting: Kilkakon

Commissioner: Shimeji Campaign Show All Commissions

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Top 5 Downloaded

  1. 0133 - Evolvable Eevee
  2. Among Us
  3. Red Fox
  4. Rick the Eevee
  5. 0700 - Sylveon

Top 5 Commissioners

  1. Natetheglaceon
  2. Deiakma
  3. Tetsumon
  4. Shimeji Campaign
  5. Bluelioneye1

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Iselda from Hollow Knight
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