Terms of Service

Terms of Service are important to keep commissions fair for both the artist and the client. By commissioning my services you agree to my terms.


You may commission a copyrighted character Shimeji, but a public version must exist. For example, this means that you can't order a normal Pikachu Shimeji and make it unavailable for everyone to download. Although you can order an extended version of it for your exclusive use, as well as a FanCharacter or any other kind of version (NSFW for instance). If you order a FanCharacter and our team thinks that the official version of the character would be loved by people, we would make a public version of that form without asking the Commissioner. Depending on the difficulty of making this conversion of character, we may do a Campaign to cover the effort invested on it.

In addition to the above addendum, you can see Cachomon's Terms of Service here.

Total Visits


Total Downloads


Top 5 Downloaded

  1. 0133 - Evolvable Eevee
  2. Among Us
  3. Red Fox
  4. Sylveon NSFW+
  5. Rick the Eevee

Top 5 Commissioners

  1. Shimeji Campaign
  2. Tetsumon
  3. Natetheglaceon
  4. Bluelioneye1
  5. Piiefagg

Newest Shimeji

Iselda from Hollow Knight
Contact Cachomon